Our single sheet menus are available in A4, A5, or A6 size. They are great placed straight onto a table as disposable menus, or put into our customisable clipboards to give extra longevity.

When printing a menu, it’s not just the layout and design that needs to be taken into consideration, the weight and finishing is key. We offer our menus on four different recycled papers, and in three different weights.

Disposable menus can be printed on any of our paper stocks and recycled at the end of a service.

Our Papers

All of our papers are 100% recycled, unbleached, and FSC approved. We have four papers to choose from:


A silky smooth bright white paper


An off-white creamy paper


A unique paper with white flecks throughout


A smooth white paper with organic black flecks
Not available on midweight

Find out more about our papers



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* Please note the minimum order value of this product is £12.00

QTY1-29 (0%)30-50 (45%)51-100 (60%)100+ (70%)